September 16, 2009

The View from Pacific Heights

Pacific Heights is a neighborhood on Oahu just "up the mountain" from Downtown and Chinatown. I lived there for a year. The location was really convenient for commuting to work, even if the cottage I lived in was oddly situated on a street not designed for pedestrians. The best part of the little cottage, though, was the deck that had been built around two mango trees and provided an awesome view of Downtown and the ocean beyond.

On any given day, the sky would put on a glorious show over the city buildings. There were a few days in particular, though, that caught my attention. Below are a few of my favorites of these shots.


I like this image because the glare from the sun on the ocean was so intense that the water looked white.

This view caught my attention because it was so monochromatic. I like the soft, dark grey.

And I like this image because of the shifts in the grey tones and the subtle pink on the clouds from the sunset.

September 7, 2009


It's been a little while since I've posted here. I've been deep in yoga teacher training and have not had time for much else. But we're on a break for the month of September, so I'm finally able to spend some time posting.

The images below were taken at different times. But they are all lovely, in my opinion, and representative of some of the unique flora to be found by the side of the road or in a backyard here in Hawaii.

I don't have names for any of these plants, but if you do, please let me know in the comments.




